Pollito Dev
March 19, 2024

Pollito's Manifest on Java Spring Boot Contract-Driven Development for microservices 3

Posted on March 19, 2024  •  10 minutes  • 2037 words  • Other languages:  Español

This is a continuation of Pollito’s Manifest on Java Spring Boot Contract-Driven Development for microservices 2 .

springBootStarterTemplate -> feature/consumer-gen-example

springBootStarterTemplate has three branches:

Here I’ll explain the steps I did to create feature/consumer-gen-example, so you can make your own provider + consumer microservice.

Steps to make your microservice into a provider + consumer

  1. Do all the steps for making the microservice into a provider first.
  2. Add provider-generation specific dependencies.

Then for each contract where the microservice will play the consumer role, do:

  1. Add the OAS file in resources/openapi.
  2. Add an execution block in openapi-generator-maven-plugin.
  3. Create a new Exception.
  4. Handle the new created exception.
  5. Create an Error Decoder that will throw the Exception.
  6. Create the corresponding URL value in application.yml.
  7. Create a @Configuration @ConfigurationProperties class to read the value from application.yml.
  8. Configure a Feign client for interacting with the generated consumer API interface.
  9. Create a pointcut in LoggingAspect.

Let’s create an example. You can find it finished in feature/consumer-gen-example

0. Do all the steps for making the microservice into a provider first

For this, I’m gonna start from feature/provider-gen, and follow the steps to create a provider microservice with this a simple OAS called animeinfo.yaml

1. Add provider-generation specific dependencies

Additionally, you will need to create configurations for the generated consumer interface(s). That is usually done with Gson:

Here is the pom.xml fragment so you can copy paste into the dependencies tag:


2. Add the OAS file in resources/openapi

Here I’ll add jikan API , an unofficial MyAnimeList API.

3. Add an execution block in openapi-generator-maven-plugin

Here’s the execution block ready for you to copy paste it.

  <id>consumer generation - jikan</id>

What are the differences between an provider generation execution and a consumer generation execution?

Aspect Provider Generation Consumer Generation
Purpose Generate server-side code. Generate client-side code to interact with the API.
Generator Name spring (optimized for Spring Boot) java (generic Java code generation)
Library N/A (not specified as it’s inherently for Spring) feign (uses Feign library for HTTP requests)
Special Configurations useSpringBoot3: Optimized for Spring Boot 3. feignClient: Generated interfaces are Feign clients.

Run and compile.

In this example, an error occurs in consumer generation - jikan. Here is the important fragment of it.

[INFO] --- openapi-generator-maven-plugin:7.2.0:generate (consumer generation - jikan) @ springBootStarterTemplate ---
[WARNING] C:\code\pollito\springBootStarterTemplate\src\main\resources\openapi\jikan.json [0:0]: unexpected error in Open-API generation
C:\code\pollito\springBootStarterTemplate\src\main\resources\openapi\jikan.json [0:0]: unexpected error in Open-API generation

org.openapitools.codegen.SpecValidationException: There were issues with the specification. The option can be disabled via validateSpec (Maven/Gradle) or --skip-validate-spec (CLI).
 | Error count: 3, Warning count: 7
	-paths.'/anime'(get).parameters. There are duplicate parameter values
	-paths.'/manga'(get).parameters. There are duplicate parameter values
	-paths.'/schedules'(get).parameters. There are duplicate parameter values
	-paths.'/anime'(get).parameters. There are duplicate parameter values
	-paths.'/manga'(get).parameters. There are duplicate parameter values
	-paths.'/schedules'(get).parameters. There are duplicate parameter values

Luckly is a very easy error to fix. We have to delete those duplicated parameter values. For that I’ll use Swagger Editor import file, and edit it myself.

For some reason the page asks to convert to yaml, which I accept. We can work with either of those formats, the plugin doesn’t care.


Also while fixing the error, I noticed that there’s documentation about how an error looks, but no error schema, so I create one.

Replace the file, and try again. Now we should be good to go.

4. Create a new Exception

If we checked the target/generated-sources/openapi folder, we will find inside the moe.jikan package all the different generated APIs

generated api clients

Lucky for us, all those APIs produce the same error, so we can create just one exception

The exception can have as many fields as you want, but at minimal, needs to have the Error generated by the corresponding OAS.

public class JikanException extends RuntimeException {
  private final transient Error error;

Always check from where Error is being imported. Here we want it from moe.jikan.models

import the correct error

5. Handle the new created exception

You can use the already existing GlobalControllerAdvice, or create a new one specifically for the controller that eventually calls down the API client interface that can throw an error.

Here, I’ll create a new @RestControllerAdvice as an exercise.

Here you can handle your errors as you need. This is an example of how I do it in this scenario. I will return:

Always check from where Error is being imported. Here we want it from dev.pollito.springbootstartertemplate.models

@RestControllerAdvice(assignableTypes = AnimeController.class)
public class AnimeControllerAdvice {

  public static ResponseEntity<Error> handle(JikanException e) {
    if (isNotFound(e)) {
      return buildErrorResponse(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, e, e.getError().getMessage());

    return buildErrorResponse(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e, e.getError().getMessage());

  private static boolean isNotFound(JikanException e) {
    return Objects.nonNull(e.getError().getStatus())
        && e.getError().getStatus() == HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value();

6. Create an Error Decoder that will throw the exception

This is a very basic and standard error decoder, nothing fancy going on here.

Always check from where Error is being imported. Here we want it from moe.jikan.models

public class JikanErrorDecoder implements ErrorDecoder {
  public Exception decode(String s, Response response) {
    try (InputStream body = response.body().asInputStream()) {
      return new JikanException(new ObjectMapper().readValue(body, Error.class));
    } catch (IOException e) {
      return new Default().decode(s, response);

7. Create the corresponding URL value in application.yml

By default, the generated interface will use the URL in the OAS server section. Usually in many scenarios, that value doesn’t exist, is a mock URL, or it works but is pointing to a development or testing ambient.

Defining a client URL in application.yml (or any external configuration file) rather than hardcoding it as a constant in your code, is a common best practice for several reasons:

For this example, the application.yml URL definition would look something like this:

  baseUrl: https://api.jikan.moe/v4

8. Create a @Configuration @ConfigurationProperties class to read the value from application.yml

This class reads values from application.yml. Here is an implementation example.

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "jikan")
@FieldDefaults(level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
public class JikanProperties {
  String baseUrl;

9. Configure a Feign client for interacting with the generated consumer API interface

This class configures a Feign client for interacting with the generated consumer API interface, complete with custom serialization, deserialization, logging, and error handling.

Here is an implementation example:

        value = {
                        basePackages = {
public class AnimeApiConfig {

  private final JikanProperties jikanProperties;

  public AnimeApi jikanApi() {
    return Feign.builder()
            .client(new OkHttpClient())
            .encoder(new GsonEncoder())
            .decoder(new GsonDecoder())
            .errorDecoder(new JikanErrorDecoder())
            .logger(new Slf4jLogger(AnimeApi.class))
            .target(AnimeApi.class, jikanProperties.getBaseUrl());

10. Create a pointcut in LoggingAspect

It is a nice practice to log whatever goes into and come out an API call. Beware you may accidently log sensible information.

Here I create jikanApiMethodsPointcut(), and add it into the logBefore() and logAfterReturning() methods.

public class LoggingAspect {

  @Pointcut("execution(public * dev.pollito.springbootstartertemplate.controller..*.*(..))")
  public void controllerPublicMethodsPointcut() {}

  @Pointcut("execution(public * moe.jikan.api.*.*(..))")
  public void jikanApiMethodsPointcut() {}

  @Before("controllerPublicMethodsPointcut() || jikanApiMethodsPointcut()")
  public void logBefore(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
            + joinPoint.getSignature().toShortString()
            + "] Args: "
            + Arrays.toString(joinPoint.getArgs()));

      pointcut = "controllerPublicMethodsPointcut() || jikanApiMethodsPointcut()",
      returning = "result")
  public void logAfterReturning(JoinPoint joinPoint, Object result) {
    log.info("[" + joinPoint.getSignature().toShortString() + "] Response: " + result);

Let’s finish the example by putting everything together with business logic

  1. Create a mapper interface.
  2. Create a service interface.
  3. Implement the interface.
  4. Inject the interface in the controller.

1. Create a mapper interface

@Mapper(componentModel = "spring")
public interface AnimeInfoMapper {

  @Mapping(source = "response.data.completed", target = "viewers")
  AnimeStatisticsViewers map(AnimeStatistics response);

2. Create a service interface

public interface AnimeInfoService {
    AnimeStatisticsViewers getAnimeInfo(Integer id);

3. Implement the interface

public class AnimeInfoServiceImpl implements AnimeInfoService {
    private final AnimeApi animeApi;
    private final AnimeInfoMapper animeInfoMapper;

    public AnimeStatisticsViewers getAnimeInfo(Integer id) {
        return animeInfoMapper.map(animeApi.getAnimeStatistics(id));

4. Inject the interface in the controller

public class AnimeInfoController implements AnimeApi {
  private final AnimeInfoService animeInfoService;

  public ResponseEntity<AnimeStatisticsViewers> getAnimeStatisticsViewers(Integer id) {
    return ResponseEntity.ok(animeInfoService.getAnimeStatisticsViewers(id));

Give it a try

curl --location 'http://localhost:8080/anime?id=846'


  "viewers": 119259

We get this in the logs

2024-03-21 09:29:44 INFO  o.a.c.c.C.[Tomcat].[localhost].[/] [SessionID: ] - Initializing Spring DispatcherServlet 'dispatcherServlet'
2024-03-21 09:29:44 INFO  o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet [SessionID: ] - Initializing Servlet 'dispatcherServlet'
2024-03-21 09:29:44 INFO  o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet [SessionID: ] - Completed initialization in 1 ms
2024-03-21 09:29:44 INFO  d.p.s.filter.LogFilter [SessionID: 2669c0a9-0f1e-45c9-8b60-517ec190d4c8] - >>>> Method: GET; URI: /anime; QueryString: id=846; Headers: {user-agent: PostmanRuntime/7.37.0, accept: */*, cache-control: no-cache, postman-token: 4dbf0736-7574-4c38-b034-e8411d6928ad, host: localhost:8080, accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br, connection: keep-alive}
2024-03-21 09:29:44 INFO  d.p.s.aspect.LoggingAspect [SessionID: 2669c0a9-0f1e-45c9-8b60-517ec190d4c8] - [AnimeController.getAnimeStatisticsViewers(..)] Args: [846]
2024-03-21 09:29:44 INFO  d.p.s.aspect.LoggingAspect [SessionID: 2669c0a9-0f1e-45c9-8b60-517ec190d4c8] - [AnimeApi.getAnimeStatistics(..)] Args: [846]
2024-03-21 09:29:46 INFO  d.p.s.aspect.LoggingAspect [SessionID: 2669c0a9-0f1e-45c9-8b60-517ec190d4c8] - [AnimeApi.getAnimeStatistics(..)] Response: class AnimeStatistics {
    data: class AnimeStatisticsData {
        watching: 5048
        completed: 119259
        onHold: null
        dropped: 3390
        planToWatch: null
        total: 161889
        scores: [class AnimeStatisticsDataScoresInner {
            score: 1
            votes: 287
            percentage: 0.3
        }, class AnimeStatisticsDataScoresInner {
            score: 2
            votes: 158
            percentage: 0.2
        }, class AnimeStatisticsDataScoresInner {
            score: 3
            votes: 323
            percentage: 0.4
        }, class AnimeStatisticsDataScoresInner {
            score: 4
            votes: 854
            percentage: 0.9
        }, class AnimeStatisticsDataScoresInner {
            score: 5
            votes: 2631
            percentage: 2.9
        }, class AnimeStatisticsDataScoresInner {
            score: 6
            votes: 6871
            percentage: 7.5
        }, class AnimeStatisticsDataScoresInner {
            score: 7
            votes: 19052
            percentage: 20.8
        }, class AnimeStatisticsDataScoresInner {
            score: 8
            votes: 28533
            percentage: 31.1
        }, class AnimeStatisticsDataScoresInner {
            score: 9
            votes: 20183
            percentage: 22.0
        }, class AnimeStatisticsDataScoresInner {
            score: 10
            votes: 12904
            percentage: 14.1
2024-03-21 09:29:46 INFO  d.p.s.aspect.LoggingAspect [SessionID: 2669c0a9-0f1e-45c9-8b60-517ec190d4c8] - [AnimeController.getAnimeStatisticsViewers(..)] Response: <200 OK OK,class AnimeStatisticsViewers {
    viewers: 119259
2024-03-21 09:29:46 INFO  d.p.s.filter.LogFilter [SessionID: 2669c0a9-0f1e-45c9-8b60-517ec190d4c8] - <<<< Response Status: 200
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