Pollito Dev
March 21, 2024

Anime Poster Generator 3: I can do frontend

Posted on March 21, 2024  •  2 minutes  • 374 words  • Other languages:  Español

This is a continuation of Anime Poster Generator 2: Jasper old friend


Let’s focus in Anime Poster Generator Frontend.


I am NOT a frontend developer!

I am NOT a frontend developer. I am not a frontend developer. I do not engage in frontend developer activities in my day to day.

Having said that, I do know some frontend:

But my biggest teachers in frontend (specially React) are: Theo , Josh , and Midudev . Here are my fav video from each one:

By just watching their content during these years, I’ve been able to keep up with the whole mess the frontend world is, and how React plays part in it.

Anime Poster Generator Frontend

Truth be told, I already made the frontend weeks before I started writing this blog series. You can check the github repo . There are many rough edges to polish, but having a working product was my main goal.

screenshot 1 screenshot 2 screenshot 3 screenshot 4

In the next blog, I’m gonna do a rundown through its files, explain the technologies used, how I implemented Contract-Driven Development practices, and what would I improve if I were a better frontend dev.

Next lecture

Anime Poster Generator 4: A backend dev approach to frontend

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